Numbers 8:1-4, Seven Candles of Menorah and Power Portals

In the Torah Reading for this week, June 15-22, 2024 it starts in Numbers 8:1-4 with the lighting of the Menorah/Lampstand.

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to Aaron, and say to him, ‘When you arrange the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light in front of the lampstand.’ ” And Aaron did so; he arranged the lamps to face toward the front of the lampstand, as the Lord commanded Moses. Now this workmanship of the lampstand was hammered gold; from its shaft to its flowers it was hammered work. According to the pattern which the Lord had shown Moses, so he made the lampstand.

Have you ever thought that we are the workmanship of God? We are the lampstand? Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” And Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

As the temple of the Holy Spirit, see 1 Corinthians 6:19, there are 7 personal portals, just like the 7 candles on the Menorah in the Temple that should illuminate our temple. 

What is a “portal”, a portal is defined as “a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and imposing one.” Portal is just another way of saying gateway.

God created us in His image. Like God having seven spirits in Isaiah 11, we to have seven personal portals that must be opened, cleansed, and revealed to operate in the power of the Holy Ghost.  They are:

1. Heart-Revelation 3:20, When the heart is right, life is right. Jesus hear on earth was the temple of God’s spirit. We become the temple of the Holy Spirit to the world around us. The Holy Spirit finds entrance through an open and willing heart.

2. The Mouth-Luke 6:45, The mouth is a Portal for both releasing and receiving blessing. Psalms 141:3, “set a watch, Oh Lord before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” The mouth is a doorway in and doorway out. In the natural the mouth is where I receive healthy nutrition. In the spiritual the mouth is where I receive and release spiritual nourishment to others.

3. The Eyes and Ears-Matthew 13:15-17, The eyes are the window to my soul. The pupil is literally the portal opening into the eyes. Luke 11:34, Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness.” Our eyes are so powerful that what every we focus on will become magnified in our life.  This power portal also includes our ears. Romans 10:17, “faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God.” God hearing is essential to our physical and emotional wellbeing.

4. The Mind-Romans 12:2, Our mind is a portal for Godly Wisdom. When we are mindful of the Lord we are more fully present with Him. This portal is very important to allow the Holy Spirit to umpire and guard our thought life. Philippians 2:5, Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,

5. The Innermost Being-Ephesians 3:16-19, This portal is located around your stomach region down in the gut. It is the portal where most of your spiritual hunger and discernment is released. The innermost being is also where you receive and carry the Holy Spirit. This portal activates your mouth to speak a heavenly language through the release that comes from your innermost being. Your heart which is the seat of your spirit and the innermost being which is the seat or your soul cover a large spiritual expanse. This is your spiritual core. John 7:38,”He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

6. The Hands-Mark 16:18, “They shall lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” The hands are a power portal of healing and prosperity. There is heavenly power in your hands. The Holy Spirit wants to work heavenly miracles via your hands both spiritually and economically. This is why Jesus hands were nail pierced and His blood was shed to break the curse of Adam from working by the sweat of his hands.

7. The Feet-portals of Possession. Joshua 1:3, Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.” Every location where you put your feet becomes a new place you can take God’s authority and Kingdom rule over for the glory of God. Learn how to walk and pray. Learn to let the Spirit direct your paths. Job 29:6, “When my steps were bathed with [a]cream, And the rock poured out rivers of oil for me!” This is why Jesus feet were pierced and His blood was shed so that we would have dominion which Adam lost in the garden.

Shalom Shalom!

Excerpts from “Power Portals” by Joshua Mills.

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