What Is Passover Sheni?

Passover Sheni is on Iyar 14, May 22, 5784/2024 on the Gregorian calendar. God gave Israel who were unclean during the Feast of Passover or traveling and was not able to go to Jerusalem to celebrate His Feast of Passover, to do so on Passover Sheni. Yah doesn’t want anyone to miss his 9 covenant blessings of Exodus 23.

Rabbi Donna Beccia Carick explains: “Passover Sheni, the word “Sheni” means “second.” This “Second Passover” is mentioned in Numbers 9. It specifically says that a person who was unclean because of a dead body, or a person who was away on a journey, was excused from missing Passover in the first month, Nisan (also called Aviv), so they had permission to celebrate it in the second month. I view this as a provision for Yeshua, who missed Passover when he was crucified –– they were slaughtering lambs in the Temple while he was being slaughtered on the cross. He missed it because HE was the dead body –– unclean because he took on the sins of all mankind. And he was away on a journey, returning at his resurrection. So this provision allowed YESHUA to celebrate Passover Sheni, in his resurrected body, before he ascended into heaven. As he said to his disciples at the Last Supper, “I will not drink from this cup until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.” He fulfilled all the requirements of a Passover Lamb at his crucifixion, and at Passover Sheni, I’m betting he drank from the cup.”

Shalom Shalom!

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